Wednesday, January 16, 2013

365 Photo Project

Photo 2 - My New Healthy Snack

Lucy's Cinnamon Thin Cookies!
They are YUMMY. 
And they are gluten free and no milk or eggs!
So they are my new best friends. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

This is what I've learned in school, Mom.

I definitely know that I'm in the right major.

Today in advertising class, we watched videos about public service announcements. This one was my favorite. 

Yeah, I know. It's kind of catchy. And it makes me laugh.

Then, in public relations class, we watched this video which I thought was awesome and made me actually like Tiger Woods. (I think that was their goal.)

I think I'm going to love my major!

That's all for today. Oh, except for my favorite cat video. You have to see this.

Monday, January 14, 2013

365 Photo Challenge. Day 1

Day 1: Someone I Miss
RIP Uncle Cory
January 14th, 2009

I miss you like crazy.

Maybe I'll actually keep up with this blog.

Bear with me people. 

My New Years resolution is coming along quite nicely. I got my website up and running.! Check it out people! I need business!

Next on the checklist is getting my blog going.  It's not really for anyone but myself, but I'd like to keep record of what goes on in my life. Obviously I won't be to personable; it is the internet you know. But still. I really want to get into the habit of posting regularly.

As of right now, I'm trying to avoid my 18 credit hours worth of homework. This should go well. I'm going to hate myself in about 3 hours when I want to go to sleep, but I wont be able to because of homework.

Okay, real quick. I got friends and I wanna show pictures!

That's Sammie. She's awesome. She's one of my roommates next year in Cardinal Corner.

This is Sarah. She's my current roommate. She's also one of the roommates in Cardinal Corner apartments next year.

Okay. That's it for now. I think.

As for the year of 2012:

A recap in less than a paragraph.
January - Track
February - Track
March - Ryan and I's two year
April - I broke up with Ryan... for personal reasons. Obviously.
May - Prom and Senior Banquet
June - Spoke at graduation - Class President Woohooo
July - South Carolina! AMAZING time
August - College, 19th birthday
September - School.. Blah blah blah
October - Fall Break - nothing worth reporting
November - Finally got to go home and see my family that I missed terribly
December - My Christmas break was spent in bed with Strep throat... Twice. Turns out I might have the virus in my glands. Say goodbye tonsils....

OKAY. Now I'm done.